World, meet the eye sore of our master bath, the vanity.
Yeah, ewwww. Ancient cabinets, under an ancient sink/counter, attached to an ancient faucet.
Eww, eww, eww, eww.
So we started.... the project. I was so excited. I think I was just happy knowing the old sink was going to go away.
We headed over to Home Depot and found the same sink/counter top in white, on sale. Woo hoo! (this is actually where this whole thing started, we saw it and thought... hmmm, could we? yes, we could, and we did). We found a new faucet that was on sale as well, double woo hoo. We figured, this isn't final, we still want to do a major remodel eventually, we just need our sink to be a little nicer in the meantime.
Of course, when you head to Home Depot without measurments and find something on sale the wife/husband talk goes something like this.
Husband: "We don't know the measurements of our sink, we can't get it. We should go home, measure and come back." (good reasoning)
Wife: "I bet it's this size. Let's get this one." (not good reasoning)
Husband: "We should measure it. What is they say? Measure twice, buy once? Or is that cutting?" (again, good reasoning, bad memory)
Wife: "I'm pretty sure this is it. My makeup brushes fit here, our toothbrush holder here, that here... fits perfect. I'm pretty sure it's this one. Plus, if it's wrong we still have to come back." (Wonderful reasoning)
Husband: "Hmmm, you're probably right wife. You are always right, you always know best, you are so smart and beautiful too. Let's get it" (Perfect, wonderful reasoning)
Ok, so maybe he didn't say that last part but he was thinking it.
So home to the demo part. (which really just involved removing the top.)
But what to do with those ugly cabinets? Paint them of course!
With drawers out and doors off, I (with David's help) painted them. (No really, I painted all of it but one part.)
And Voila!
I was already in love at this point. We have the black trim on the tile, it worked perfect.
And yes, that is a TON of paint for this tiny project. But that was the only size they had so they gave me the gallon at the small price. Now I'm trying to figure out what else to paint black... :)
I painted the doors and drawers...
Then we replaced the what had to be 30 year old valves.
Yep, I'm a home owner. I love the look of brand spanking new water valves :)
We connected everything to the sink...
Then, before we could put the sink on, we had to touch up the wall a little. David filled in gaps, I painted. (I'm telling you, we are going to create a side business here... I just need a name)
Then, we put the hardware on the doors and drawers and put them on.
Ahhh... beautiful...
And then... we put everything together...
(Sorry, ignore the weird tints. Some of these were at night and it's soft lighting in the bathroom)
I love it. So we have a new sink for little money.
Sink - $74
Faucet - $24
Valves - $5
Paint - $15 (I think)
Hardware - $15 (about)
Total - $133 (give or take)
So for under $150, I feel like that bathroom has a whole new feel. I love it.
World, meet my new sink.
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