Monday, April 26, 2010

Lazy Sunday

So we've had our "corral" for Christopher to play in since he started crawling. It's gotten bigger as he's gotten bigger. However, now we want to start to give him some more independence in the living room "great room". We have a bookshelf/cubby hole piece of furniture that had been off to the side. However, Sunday morning, he and I were playing and he'd walk over to it (around another big chair) get a book, or two, come back to the sofa, climb up and read (for all of about 3 seconds) before the process started over.

I told David that perhaps we should move it in the "living area" of the room and to the right of the tv so that we can all "play" in that area. So we moved it and love it!

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He loves his books, LOVES them! I think it's great that he enjoys them so much.

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Later in the afternoon, Daddy got in on the play time.
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Christopher's new thing is getting into his rocking chair by himself. So cute.
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Getting the book ready...

Cody has to be in the middle of everything...
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That does not look very comfy!
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This is the bookshelf/cubby thing. He loves it and can reach everything.
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I'm still trying to decide what goes in the cubby holes.

One of his favorite books.
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It was so nice, we opened the slider. The dogs wanted out so bad. Spartan kept whimpering at the birds.
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Then all three ended up there. The dogs whimpering and Christopher calling the birds. "Tweet, tweet" or something of that sort. It was adorable.
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And a video of Daddy and son...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

First Haircut

My little shaggy dog baby is no more. His mop has been trimmed, his mullet is gone and does he look different!

Here's a before for reference:
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Yes, that is ALL hair. His hair is so fine, his mullet is actually blowing up behind as he runs. Lovely. And it wasn't, as they say, "party in back, business in front", he had the Kate Gosslein thing in front too! Look at it, it's practically in his eyes (it might have been).

So David's been saying he needed a haircut, I as the irrational new mother of one, said, no, it's fine. Really? Fine? I could only brush the front to one side or the other or it looked odd!

So this weekend I finally came to turns. It's just another one of the things I seem to just need time to adjust too, but I come around. It was like when I finally had to back up his newborn and 0-3 clothes. David had to tell me when he was what, 5 months old, that the stuff had to leave the room, it was taking up space (not much mind you, but having newborn onesies mixed in with his 3-6 could make the mornings intersting). So I sat on the sofa one night, with a glass of wine, and started sorting them. I think I only shed one or two tears :) saying... "he'll NEVER wear this again!", "he NEVER wore this!", "I loved him in this!", "He was this tiny??? My baby is growing!"....

So the haircut thing, very similar. Babies don't get haircuts, Toddlers do. My kid is officially a toddler. Why shouldn't he be. He walks, runs (tries to), talks, eats real food, has big boy toys...

So yesterday we went to get Christopher's first hair cut. Daddy went first, then Christopher's turn. They didn't have anything but a booster seat, which he would be able to get out of, so he sat on my lap, and I went armed with a container of cherrios.

Here we are seated...
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He doesn't look very happy, but he was doing great.

They said he did great. One of the best kids they had. He was pretty happy the whole time. Of course, I think I could get him to do almost anything with Cherrios in my hand.

The after shot:

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Nope, no happy baby here.

Or here:
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Here is a close up. I think the front was a little too short, but still looks better than the before!
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And a side shot,
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Look, no mullet in the back. They even cut around his ears a bit. He looks so much older, it's just so different for me.

The ladies there were great. They saved some of his hair for me and gave me this little certificate to put in his baby book.

Additions to Santa Cruz

I just got these pictures off of David's cell and have to share. They are from our visit to Santa Cruz. The first two are of when Christopher and were walking the pier and sat to watch the water. He loved it.

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And this was once we walked back to David's office. It was a long day :)
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Fun times :)

By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea!

So last Saturday David had to go into his office in Santa Cruz. Instead of him driving up by himself working then driving back alone. I offered that all three of us drive up together, do lunch, then Jr and I could hang out while he worked for a bit, then drive back together.

We had a great drive up, the weather ended up being beautiful! Almost a little too hot for our fair skinned selves. We had lunch at a great restaurant overlooking the ocean. Christopher had a blast.

He's getting very good at using the crayons. I'm planning on buying some double-sided tape for the diaper bag. That way, I can tape down the corners of the placemats they give him. They never stay still :)
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He munched on some crackers...
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and some apple slices (or appul as Christopher says)
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And yes, that's quacamole on the right corner of his mouth. He loved it, I let him have some off the corner of a chip, but not the chip.

David loved the quac as well...
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Then Christopher decided to munch on his crayons.
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I don't think so! :)

We had a great time with Daddy!
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Christopher Update

So to follow up all these posts, we'll end with an update.

Christopher just turned 18 months old. We are the parents of a 1 1/2 year old. Where did the time go? Where did my little baby go? I love doing nap or bedtime since he cuddles up like he did as a baby baby. 

Ok, at his 18 month appointment he had last Thursday, his stats were:
Weight 25lb (right in the middle of the 25 and 50 percentiles) - this was great. he gaining almost 3 1/2 lbs in 3 months which he needed. Yeah!

Length (which is now height since they are now doing it standing): 32" (this one is interesting since they put down 31 1/2" but he was recorded at 32" last time, so we went with 32". Also, he seems taller, his feet his the foot rest on his highchairs. He seems taller, so maybe the last measurement was way off.

Head Circ. 19.5"

Christopher is a very active little boy. He is starting to learn to run, thus raising mommy's stress level just a bit. He loves to walk anywhere until he gets tired. At this point when we get home, we get him out of the car seat, but him on the ground, and he'll walk to the front door (if he doesn't try to run off into the grass), crawl up the front steps and into the house. If he's hungry, he'll go to his highchair and say "up", then proceed to try to climb it if you aren't fast enough. 

His vocabulary has increased so much. He will repeat almost any word you say (watch out!) Besides the recent "stinky" he's added diaper, love you, bye byeee (yes, with the extra e's), hi (very clear), cody, elephant (not very clear), book (clearer, but an older word), fish, santa, thank you (sounds more like "tank u"), bubble, monkey (not very clear, but he's working on it), and some more. He's added an elephant sound to his list of sounds. It's the cutest though, he acts like he has a trunk when he does it and throws his head back a bit when he makes the sound.

He is pretty much off baby food. He eats just about whatever we put in front of him, but he has the occasional picky time. He loves to turn his bowls of food upside down to see what happens. I think we ALL know what happens... the dogs come running.

He still sleeps through the night. Out about 7:30ish and asleep till 6:30am ish. Even when he wakes up in the morning he'll play in his crib for 30-60 minutes before we need to get him.

All-in-all, he's a great kid, easy going, and fun to play with.

Long Lost Photos

Oye, I forgot to post these, just remembered! I'll make it quick...

He has the best smile...
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sorry, the picture is a bit blurry...

Just like his daddy, his hero...
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This kid melts, literally melts my heart...
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I love him to pieces...
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These photos are from 3/25... wow, I'm off the "ball ball". I think I rushed to get Easter up and skipped these. Well, you see them now :)

Ball Ball!

Christopher's favorite toy is Ball Ball! However, the big one he was playing with just seemed too unsafe, so we went to Kohls and he picked out a new one, much smaller ball.

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Here he's playing toss with Daddy.
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But he'd get to excited and run after it...
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And daddy would have to tell him to go back and sit down to play...
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And here is our master stair climber.

Christopher's Year Book

David and I love where Christopher is going to daycare. His vocabulary, social skills, motor skills and immunity have all gotten better since going! We were surprised to receive a year book right after Easter from his daycare. Who knew, he's 18 months old.

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It's been too long...

I know, it's been so long since I've posted. We've been busy, David's been working a lot (go honey!) and life has just been a bit crazy.

I don't have any one particular thing to post about, but here are some photos and video of Christopher that have been burning a whole in my computer.

So as Christopher is getting older, his personality is getting stronger and it's becoming more apparent what kind of kid he is. So far, he is a happy, funny (loves to tell jokes that we can't understand then laugh wildly like it was the funniest thing ever!), he is a mommy's boy, he loves to eat (but when he doesn't want to, you'll know), he is a boy (he loves car sounds now, krrrr is his best and favorite), he can get cranky if he hasn't had enough sleep (like his mommy), and can get cranky if he can't figure something out (like his daddy). At 1 1/2 years old, he's the perfect combination of his mommy and daddy.

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What's so funny little man? Let us in on this wonderful joke!

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Figuring out his toys. Side note: See that cage looking toy sitting on the step of his house? That's where it "goes". If I ask him to put it away, that's what he does with it. I'm creating a monster organizer!

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Another organizing masterpiece! Where do you put your sippy cup so the ball you're throwing around doesn't keep knocking it over? On the rain gutter of your house of course!

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I laid down to take photos of him and he had to lay with me then look at himself in the screen of the phone. The video of this is too big and won't load, but it's adorable. Take my word for it.

Some videos of our ham...

ok, that's enough. The next day on the next post...