Sunday, January 24, 2010

We have a climber!

This is how I found Christopher after lunch yesterday.

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I didn't know he could do this (Not that it's that difficult) but he appears to be proud of himself :)

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Or scared to let go, I'm not sure.

Here he's raised the bar, he's up there backwards!!
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Giving kisses to Cookie Monster
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Christopher gives these open mouth and wet kisses. He has now learned that kissing is associate with a "kissy sound" and occasionally when he wants to give a kiss, will stick his lips out at you and make a kissy sound. It's adorable. Much better than the open mouth kisses (which are still around though too).

Christopher is also a busy guy and has to keep in touch with his peeps on a regular basis. To do this, he uses his Elmo phone.

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He walks around saying "hello?", "good", "bye".

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