Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Forrest is 11 Months Old!

What? Huh? When? Forrest turned 11 months old on 10/7, about a week ago. This monthly photo thing is getting harder with him. He's a wiggle worm. Then the more I try to get him to sit still he starts to think it's hilarious and starts laughing and rolling around more. Soon I end up with just a bunch of blurry shots of him or parts of him as he crawls away. The playstation controller or the remote control seem to be the only things that keep him still. He is SOOOO his father's son.

See??? This was the best I could do for this shot. 

So then we changed location to Christopher's room for some brother shots. Still hard to keep him still. Christopher is learning how to hold on to his brother without hurting him. He never has, it's just different for him. This one here is probably my favorite.

I know this is blurry, but I love Christopher face :) He absolutely 100% loves Forrest. Christopher decided he wanted to read to Forrest, so we picked an easy book, Red Truck.

Then back out to the kitchen to start dinner. Forrest worked on a bottle while Christopher entertained him. Forrest's laughter, the best... mixed with Christopher's... my heart swells with pride and joy.

Forrest is starting to eat whatever Christopher is eating. This was what is currently Christopher's favorite. Go figure. Tilapia, with broccoli and alphabet pasta. Forrest got the same thing, just smaller bites. The both devoured it.

Forrest is doing really well. He's cruising and trying to walk very very badly. When he isn't moving, he's perfectly content watching what it going on around him. He's a very happy, peaceful baby. He's still working on his weight. We are trying to hit the 19lb mark but just a few ounces shy of it. He might have hit it now but as of a week ago he was 18lb 14oz I think. He just started getting into the sippy cup yesterday which is great. I really want to stop the bottle at one and he had been refusing to use it as a cup rather he'd use it as a hammer. He still an amazing sleeper. Asleep by 7pm, sometimes 7:15. On the rare occasion (like last night) he's a bit wired and I just put him down awake and just figures it out and is asleep within about 10 minutes. Not usually a peep from him till between 6:30 and 7:15am. If it's early, like 6:30, he'll chat, sing, growl (yes, growl), babble or turn on his musical crib toys until we come in to get him. He's still napping two times a day. Once at 9:30am-ish for about 60-90 minutes, then a 2-3 hour nap after lunch. 

He'll eat ANYTHING we put in front of him. Lentils, chicken, beef, salmon, white fish, broccoli, green beans, tofu, beans, grilled cheese sandwich, hotdogs, you name it. We are starting to phase him out of the purees and into whole foods (like the picture above). We alternate between purees, spoon feed whole food, and finger foods. The kids just likes to eat and get it in as quickly as possible. 

Overall, he's doing great. I wish his weight were a bit higher, but it is what it is at this point. Oh, and he LOVES his big brother. He laughs, and bounces and grins from ear to ear whenever he's in sight... love it :)

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